

Compliance - Internal investigations

When and how to start an internal investigation


lektioner (point)

6795 DKK.


Most companies and organisations, large or small, will at some point need to face allegations about breaches of law or other serious business wrongdoings. Undertaking of internal investigation in these cases are often necessary. The scope of the investigations can be very different, ranging from trivial investigations into more complex investigations covering business partners and authorities.


An investigation is often a first step in a longer process and in this way, investigations can support the business moving forward in practical and legal terms. At the same time, investigations often give rise to ethical and complicated disciplinary criminal law issues, which must be dealt with inhouse or in cooperation with external counsel.


An increasing number of companies and organisations have put in place whistleblower hotlines, which has resulted in a greater number of reports of wrongdoings. This course will provide you with the basic tools and knowledge needed to put in place internal investigations.


Key takeaways from the course:

  • Understanding the legal framework including data protection and whistleblower rules
  • Managing and planning an internal investigation
  • Dos and don’ts when preparing and conducting interviews
  • How to analyse documentation, including email searches
  • What advanced e-discovery and forensic tools are and when you need to consider using them
  • How to summarise and document your findings
  • Deciding on and applying precautions etc.
  • How to avoid similar wrongdoings in the future
  • When to involve external assistance, including forensic assistance and legal advice


The course covers the following areas within internal investigations:

  • Organisation and initiation of internal investigations, incl. internal defence lines
  • Intake of reports
  • Typical business matters to be investigated
  • Whistleblower hotline and other reporting tools
  • Allocation of cases
  • Confidentiality and anonymity considerations
  • Legal privilege
  • Investigative interviewing
  • Accessing data and documentation, including GDPR, cloud regulation and secrecy rules etc. 
  • Software and online solutions for internal investigations, including artificial intelligence solutions
  • Reviewing findings
  • Consequences
  • Communication


Target group

The course is designed for compliance managers, legal counsels and lawyers with an interest in the compliance discipline.


Form of teaching

The course is interactive and includes practical examples and cases. The course is conducted in English.



You will get access to all relevant course material on JUC's online materiale page.

You will need to read a brief case story before the course.

Vil du vide mere?

Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål eller ønsker mere information vedrørende dette kursus, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte mig.

Helene Falck Villemoes
Development Specialist
Mobil: +45 28 45 99 11

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Hos JUC finder du juridiske kurser inden for en bred vifte af arbejdsområder. Vi udbyder både grundkurser og specialistkurser, som kan godkendes som obligatorisk efteruddannelse.

På vores kurser undervises du af førende danske og internationale eksperter, der giver dig indblik i aktuelle udfordringer og muligheder inden for forskellige retsområder. Du vil få konkrete værktøjer, som du kan anvende i dit daglige arbejde og du får en unik indsigt i ny lovgivning, retspraksis og administrativ praksis med fokus på betydningen for dit specifikke arbejdsområde.