

Business Expansion - For Lawyers And Lawfirms

What partners, senior lawyers and managers must do for the firm to develop further, with healthy growth and profitability, in a competitive industry


lektioner (point)

7995 DKK.


Surprisingly, many good lawyers find the transition to a successful business lawyer challenging, and a number of partners acknowledge that their biggest areas for improvement are the commercial ones, or their role as managers, not as lawyers.  
At the same time, there are surprisingly big development differences between seemingly similar firms. Partner-led professional firms are complex, with many talented individuals who, together, must achieve the desired results for themselves and for the firm.
The course deals with crucial methods and solutions to improve strategy, work with the market and clients, as well as organizational and operational matters. As a participant, you become aware of various factors and hidden weaknesses that can hinder a law firm's development in the short and / or long term. Based on experience from leading medium-sized and large firms, you get better insight into what works well and must be worked hard on, and what should be changed, to achieve economic success, but also the further development of employees, culture, market reputation and attractiveness.


On the course you will get:

  • Insight into best practice from successful law firms and other partner-led professional firms/companies in Scandinavia and other countries 
  • Understanding of how different leaders, roles, competencies, and groups can and must be coordinated, if ambitious goals are to be achieved 
  • Guidance on how you can ensure a better career development by emphasizing processes and working methods that serve both your own, and the firm’s interests 


Topics on the course include:

  • Organization and management, and matching internal/external roles with skills  
  • Growth, profitability and well-being - how do you balance different goals?  
  • Selection and implementation of a customer and service strategy at different levels
  • Career path from law degree to lawyer to commercial lawyer – the challenge  
  • How do you succeed with brand building and marketing work? Roles, methods and interaction between lawyers and the marketing department 
  • Sales - from contact to contract - "what works best?" 
  • Relationship building and service - the lawyer's most important tasks?
  • Case and resource management - the key to good profitability 
  • Why a skilled administrative staff is an investment in growth and profitability
  • International strategy choices – mergers, networking, best friends or …….? 
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different partner models, including recruitment, development and performance measurement 
  • Teamwork - how different leaders, roles, competencies and groups can and must be coordinated if ambitious goals are to be achieved

Target Group

This course is aimed at board members, partners, senior lawyers, and staff managers/directors in commercial law firms.


You can access the course presentation and other relevant material through JUC's online material portal.

Kurset kan godkendes som obligatorisk efteruddannelse for advokater.

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Vælg mellem en bred vifte af kurser inden for selskabsret og kontrakter

JUC's kurser i selskabsret og kontrakter giver dig værktøjerne til at håndtere viften af parametre, som er gældende for at træffe optimale beslutninger om bl.a. selskabsform, udformning af kontrakter, M&A-tvister m.m. Hvis du er advokat, kan alle vores kurser godkendes som obligatorisk efteruddannelse.


Hos JUC finder du juridiske kurser inden for en bred vifte af arbejdsområder. Vi udbyder både grundkurser og specialistkurser, som kan godkendes som obligatorisk efteruddannelse.

På vores kurser undervises du af førende danske og internationale eksperter, der giver dig indblik i aktuelle udfordringer og muligheder inden for forskellige retsområder. Du vil få konkrete værktøjer, som du kan anvende i dit daglige arbejde og du får en unik indsigt i ny lovgivning, retspraksis og administrativ praksis med fokus på betydningen for dit specifikke arbejdsområde.

Vil du vide mere?

Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål eller ønsker mere information vedrørende dette kursus, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte mig.

Helene Falck Villemoes
Development Specialist
Mobil: +45 28 45 99 11